Bosch KIV87NSE0G 54.1cm 70/30 Built In Fridge Freezer – White


SKU: 296KIV87NSE0G Categories: ,


The Bosch KIV87NSE0G is a spacious fridge freezer, ideal for families. With a range of modern features, this appliance won’t disappoint. This model comes with Eco Airflow which keeps humidity and temperature evenly distributed inside the fridge, preserving the flavour and longevity of your food. The extra-large VitaFresh XXL drawer offers ample space for your fresh fruit and vegetables. it keeps them fresher for longer too. Perfect for when you want to stock up on extra salad or chill a watermelon for your next picnic in the park. And, Low Frost technology means you won’t need to defrost your fridge freezer as often.

